Thursday, April 3, 2008

Literacy Community

This is a fantastic site for both teachers and parents alike. Brochures are able to be downloaded in both English and Spanish. These brochures give parents tips on how they can help their children with literacy skills at home.

ELL link through Literacy Community

The Literacy Link has a list of articles and informational websites. On the top right hand corner there is a green box that has a listing of links for areas such as special education and English Language Learners. This link is for the Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research from USC. It gives insight to research in literacy for multicultural students.

Reading to Stop Bullying

This article talks about books that can be used to teach students about bullying in school. It also provides lessons on how to teach such a sensitive topic.

Readers of ALL Ages Need Strategies!

Adolescents are not done learning how to read and comprehend! They need as much time with these skills as young readers do! Click this link to find out why and how to do this!

Diane B.

Writing to Learn

The podcast link provides a voice explanation to teachers in different subject areas of literacy. In Writing to Learn an instructional approach is explained. Students are asked to complete short writing assignments that involve reading comprehension skills. For more information go to


Under the literacy community, I found a link for ADHD. Majority of my students have ADD or ADHD and it is always helpful to learn to strategies and tips to help them, especially in the area of reading.

Teaching Tools Website

The Teaching Tools website offers great reading lessons for each grade from K-12, choice booklists, and parent resources.I thought the list of teacher's choices of books listed is extremely helpful. It could be quite useful to other teachers to get ideas for new literature and how to use it in their own classrooms.

One example of a lesson for high schoolers is based upon high-interest novels that Helps Struggling Readers Confront Bullying in Schools:
Also this site gives links to models of a T Chart, Character Map, Conflict Map, and Resolution Chart.
This site gives you Winning titles .
A list of titles of the year’s Young Adults’ Choices is published each April, just before IRA’s annual convention.